
With my music
 I express the Intangible

Real soundeffects from various special places!

On the gaspipeline, in the forest on ice ...

With the echo from the pipeline PIPELINEFUNK (concert) my favorite !

PIPELINEFUNK Studio 13 Remix

Listen how it sounds during ice skating

More of my music:
YouTube-Channel: Armin Küpper 

All my links:

Pipelinesounds Volume 1 / a selection of my recordings in the pipeline


With my album "GEHZEITEN" I describe a piece of my life, so to speak. Experienced, but also dreamed, harmonic and disharmonious.
Exactly how life plays. Like the tide of ebb and flow.
Music where you can feel comfortable and drift, or just want to run away.
It's good to know that the tide comes back after the tide and vice versa.

There is also a duo project with my friend Devan, master drummer from Sri Lanka.

“VANAKKAM வணக்கம்“

Armin Küpper - Saxophone, Didgeridoo, Guitar

Shan Devakuruparan - Tabla/Miruthangam (Indian/Tamil percussion instruments) Gatham, Jew's harp, Genjira

Vanakkam means hello/greeting... You can always say Vanakkam, says Devan (Shan Devakuruparan, the Tamil master drummer from Sri Lanka). That's what the two musicians say with their instruments at their concert!

An exciting encounter between two exceptional musicians that leaves plenty of room for improvisation.

Improvisation doesn't mean chaos or "HELP" free jazz!

It's about making music together with feeling.

Listen playfully, give space patiently and take the audience on a journey with stories using sounds.

On such a trip, it can happen that other musicians accompany the two of them for a while.

Every concert becomes a unique experience!


   “VANAKKAM வணக்கம்“  


Armin Küpper                - Saxophon, Didgeridoo,Gitarre

Shan Devakuruparan    - Tabla/Miruthangam (indisch/tamilische Schlaginstrumente) Gatham, Maultrommel,Genjira



Vanakkam meint Hallo/Begrüßung ... Vanakkam kann man immer sagen sagt Devan (Shan Devakuruparan der tamilische Meistertrommler aus Sri Lanka) Das sagen die beiden Musiker mit ihren Instrumenten bei ihrem Konzert !



Eine spannende Begegnung zweier Ausnahmemusiker, die Improvisation viel Raum lässt.

Improvisation heißt da nicht Chaos oder "HILFE " Free-Jazz !

Sondern ein gefühlvolles Musizieren miteinander .

Spielend zuhören ,geduldig Raum geben und mit Tönen erzählend das Publikum auf eine Reise mitnehmen.

Auf solch einer Reise kann es vorkommen, dass andere Musiker die Beiden ein Stück auf diesem Weg begleiten.

Jedes Konzert wird so zu einem einmaligen Erlebnis!


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